Custom made Indian Chai and Wellness Teas- the story behind it all!
It all began when I was invited to visit India in June of 1996, monsoon season. Upon leaving the airport, as the sliding doors opened and my glasses immediately fogged up. I remember thinking, “where am I?” It felt so strange, unfamiliar, and so humid!
Little did I know that this foreign land would lead me on an adventure I could only dream about.
As I stood on the beach, watching the wild horses run free. Mesmerized by the hypnotic rhythm of the snake charmer. I didn’t realize that my entire life was about to change.
After 23 years of making Chai and cooking Indian Cuisine, (self taught I might add), I had a light bulb moment one day! I proclaimed to my husband Nick, “I think we should start a tea business. We’ll get authentic Indian spices and blend the teas from recipes I create. We’ll start at flea markets. How much money do you have?”
That was Sunday, August 16, 2009. We started our business with $169, and figured out the rest as we moved forward and never looked back!
I have been practicing the Original Bowen Technique since May 2001. Since then my focus has always been on the healing the NATURAL way. It only made sense that I create teas with only the highest quality ingredients I could procure. You can learn more about my Bowen Work on our resources page!
Our ingredients are organic, certified organic and wild crafted from pristine farms located in India and the West Coast. We are very particular about the ingredients in teas WE ingest, so we do no less for our loyal customers. No natural flavoring, coloring or preservatives of ANY kind will ever compromise our recipes!
Our wellness teas truly, “medicine in a cup.” You will FEEL the difference with your first cup.
Also because our Chai’s are blended with traditional Indian spices, that we grind ourselves, you will feel as though you are in India and a Chai Wallah has made it fresh for you right on the side of the road!
We trust you will enjoy our tea creations as much as we have been blessed to create them for you. We wish you all good health and happiness!
With warmest regards,
Paula and Nick Sabharwal