The flaw of today’s modern medicine is that there isn’t a pill for every ill, however there is an ill for every pill. The way prescriptions are handed out for any and every kind of ailment exposes the body to various kinds of toxins that can cause serious tissue degradation, not to mention irritation and inflammation. The misuse or over prescription of antibiotics and even the frequent use of birth control pills are one major cause of chronic fungal infections.
Nature heals like nothing else. Welcome to the world of Ayurvedic holistic teas. At Cardamom & Curry, our unwavering integrity is the hallmark of our tea creations and varied expressions. We strive to use the wisdom of the ancient science of Ayurveda, where the various herbs and spices are revered spiritually, for their life sustaining wellness properties. Ancient does not mean obsolete. In the texts of Ayurveda it is mentioned that the wisdom of cosmic divine intelligence as well as the healing vibrations of nature are carried by the various herbs and spices in their cellular structure.
Plants capture solar energy and convert it into nutrients that humans and animals are able to digest. Their impact and effect on Body, Mind & Spirit is immeasurable, given the varied multitude of benefits obtained by their right application and consumption, externally as well as internally.
The primary focus of Ayurveda is to first cleanse and detoxify the body in very specific ways. Whatever be the state of your health, Ayurvedic teas act as a preventative measure, not only in day to day optimum health but also significantly when we transition between various seasons. Loose Teas are generally considered to be an effective way to rekindle the digestive fire and burn away any accumulated toxins from the body and hence the added benefit of it having a positive impact on one’s mind. Ayurvedic Teas are also considered essential especially when one is on a detox plan which includes but is not limited to fasting. They are known to prevent the degradation of bodily tissues, which are one of the leading causes of imbalance in the Doshas.
One very simple way of brewing Ayurvedic Teas is to simply place the tea ingredients of your choice (1 teaspoon) in a medium saucepan with 2 cups ( 1 cup 12 – 16 oz ) purified / filtered water, bring the water to a volcano boil, and then let it steep for approximately 2 to 5 minutes. Strain and Pour into a container of your choice.
Kindly Note: Adding any Honey and/or Lemon should be done when the tea has been strained and poured into a teapot or your cup.